Heart But No Home

Heart but No Home is a 50-minute film concerning the topic of homelessness on Guam that presents different dimensions of the complex problem. This film explores topics such as recent demographics, the attempts of authorities to determine the root causes of homelessness on Guam, as well as the reasons for its emergence within the last decade. This film also presents a up-close and personal look into the lives of several individuals experiencing or have experienced homelessness. Heart but No Home will also shed light on some of the organizations and individuals attempting to relieve any suffering from those homeless individuals or families while also exploring both the rewards and frustrations of the work they do.

The hope is that Heart but No Home will not be seen just as documentation of a lasting problem on Guam, but as grateful recognition of those persons and institutions that have responded to those in need. Lastly, we hope that this film and the thoughts and discussion that follow viewing it will eventually lead to more intense efforts to help those who suffer from homelessness today.